
WeTokenise. Say hello to tokenisation.

Max Dmitriev
2 min readJun 17, 2021


No doubt to survive in rapidly changing market conditions, face challenges and thrive even in uncertain time companies are constantly looking for new opportunities. This is where WeTokenise could be a deus ex machina for those who brave enough to act as blockchain technology adoption pioneer. With WeTokenise you can source your capital from numerous smaller investors through an online platform or directly through your own website with the WeTokenise tools integrated.

Investment funds gets simplified.

Talking about such a huge and profitable market as real estate opportunities could be tremendously expanded when it meets new technology. Imagine your new investment project will gain funds 10x faster and with almost no effort, which means no complex portfolio management, no investors checks, no administering many fragmented systems and siloed networks.

The extraordinary (at first glance) ambition of replacing the current infrastructure with blockchain technology will accelerate the real estate industry into the digital era by bringing forth a global network that allows issuers to target investors globally.

New investor onboarding: AML/KYC checks

Is this kinda crowdfunding?

On the investor’s side, it is. However, unlike other real estate crowdfunding platform WeTokenise is a white label solution, means investor’s engagement starting from your company’s website or/and from the WeTokenise exchange platform. Which makes it a game-changing solution for specific investment projects where time and cost-effectiveness are key to success.

Blockchain technology on which WeTokenise based allows companies to issue tokens, self-executing smart contracts that handle all corporate actions. A complete and immutable transaction history holds in the blockchain throughout the lifecycle of the token.

Where we are now and what are our today’s challenges?

Since the middle of 2020 when we came to the idea, we spend time to figure out this idea on the technology level. Today, we are confident to wrap all bits and pieces into the MVP.

We offer a partnership to business owners who will act as early adopters and/or become angel investors.

We also building networking, with tech thinking companies and individuals who are interested in tokenisation or just would like to learn further, if you are one of those guys you’re more than welcome to contact us directly.

Thanks for your interest in WeTokenise, ✌️.

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Max Dmitriev WeTokenise founder.

E: info@wetokenise.com


